Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Easy DIY hardware

When it comes to turning trash into treasure one of the biggest (and easiest) ways to add an update is to change out the hardware. Sometimes even doing just that alone makes a piece look transformed! Well, after years and years of refurbishing furniture I found such an easy way to replace the measuring part of adding hardware. A lot of times you can replace hardware that already fits the existing holes which is great since it calls for no other action. BUT then there are times you are adding a different size or different style that require new holes. Of course you will need to fill the old holes with wood filler and complete any other steps that may need to be done with your piece. Hardware is most always the last step when completing a piece for me.

Acrylic paint (a color that stands out against the furniture color)

 STEP 1:
Dab a very small amount of the acrylic paint on your finger. Lightly rub the paint around the edges of the hole. Line up the hardware to the center  of your furniture(or wherever you want it)  and gently press down. I rock the hardware softly back and forth to make sure I get a complete circle. 

When you lift the hardware you will have the circle in which you need to drill! Using the right size drill bit drill your holes. When your done you can usually just wipe away the acrylic paint. If it has started to dry just a dab of water will help remove it.

Finish screwing your hardware into place! This method has worked for me EVERY TIME!

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