What You’ll Need
Sewing thread
Measuring tape
Sharp scissors
Straight pins
Sewing machine
Iron and ironing board
To me having the right curtains really make a room. The hard
part… they can be expensive! For as long as I can remember I have been making
my own curtains. This really helps add some personality to a room. If you are a
sewer this is a fairly easy thing to do. I’ll go to Osgood’s since they have the largest
selection of textiles!! (http://www.osgoodtextile.com)
Or I can also recommend Joann’s (www.joann.com) since there is most likely one of these closer
to you and they always have coupons available.
People like their curtains at
different lengths (myself.. LONG!) so measure and then … measure again! Starting
at the curtain rod measure to the length you’d prefer. (A big perk to making
your own, you chose the length). Don’t forget to add about an inch on all sides
so you can sew the hem. Depending on the type of curtain you are looking for
your top (curtain rod pocket) may vary. If you are using rings that clip onto
to your fabric (my favorite look) then treat the top as any other side BUT if
you are NOT then you must add extra length so you can fold enough fabric over to
make sure your curtain rod slides through easily. Now many people will also add
a hem to the top as well before folding and sewing the curtain rod pocket. I DO
NOT. I change out my curtains so often that I don’t mind saving time and skipping
this step. It’s not a big deal because you can’t see it anyway (just try to cut straight) !
Now for making your hem: you are going to start folding over
anywhere from ½” to 1’ for your hem (I like narrower hems) then using your pins
and iron start to flatten and pin each side. You will first sew each side then
you will go the bottom, the top I save for last. I highly recommend a sewing
machine because sewing this by hand can take a very long time! Thread your
machine and sew away!
Now I’d also like to share with you another little MONEY and
TIME SAVER! While shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond I ran across this shower
curtain on the clearance rack that was once used as a display.
It was VERY
cheap. Cheaper than buying fabric in fact! AND I only needed to hem two sides in which
had to be cut to fit each window. So I not only saved money but time since they
were already the length I love and less sewing needed!